Enterprise b2b marketers to focus on their audience over their brands [new research] 2017 enterprise _research cover too Lebanon Phone Number List many b2b marketers focus on their brand rather than their audience when creating Lebanon Phone Number List content. That's one of the key findings from our new research report, b2b enterprise content marketing 2017: benchmarks, budgets, and trends — north america sponsored by knowledge vision.
Let's take a look at the real stat: 53% of b2b marketers who responded to our annual content marketing survey say they agree their organization Lebanon Phone Number List is focused on creating content for their audience versus to their brand. That's far less than the Lebanon Phone Number List 69% of all north american b2b marketers we surveyed (across all industry types and business sizes) who focus on audience vs. Brand. In other words.
B2b marketers are among Lebanon Phone Number List the worst offenders here. Too many b2b marketers focus on their brand, not their Lebanon Phone Number List audience, says sabeets. Click to tweet and this is a turning point. In fact, in his recent cmi blog post, 4 content marketing things that turn your audience off, neil patel states that talking about you, not your audience, is the first turn. As a brand.